Agriculture / Hydroponics / Greenhouse
The limitation of land use is the barrier of local agricultural development. Most of the farmlands in Hong Kong are privately owned and under multiple ownership. So, the potential lands are difficult to be consolidated into large scale farmlands which are good enough to be utilized effectively and sustainable for long term agricultural use. In Hong Kong, we are still able to find people who are interested to pursue farming as a business, but mostly, they do not have any farming background, nor received relevant education in mainstream curriculum, hence, it is difficult for them to employ advanced farming techniques in order to run the farm efficient in modern society.
In the recent years, Hong Kong Government and the industry are keen to promote adaptive production methods suitable for local agricultural environment, so several hydroponic plants and greenhouses have begun operating in industrial buildings used advanced technology and equipment in order to gain productivity. On the other hand, Hong Kong Grovenment is implementing Agricultural Development Fund to be used for the application of technology applied for agricultural production, facilitating the transfer of knowledge and introducing equipment etc. But the huge investment cost is still considered to be the key constraint for small farms to start and operate.
In view of this situation, Visioforce is committed to develop tailor made automation solution to local farms at lower cost for a closed-loop control environment minimizing the climate impact to crops. Which provides real-time readings and helps to monitor the growth conditions with less human involvement on-site, therefore, the reduction of labor cost would be beneficial to the overall production efficiency. Automatic control is very suitable for greenhouse and hydroponic farming, it can be deployed for factory-like mass production in the completely controlled indoor environment to enhance quality and productivity. It has become the trend of agricultural development in Hong Kong.
Domestic Automated Greenhouse
Nowadays, the city is losing its green covering, air quality is getting worse. Domestic greenhouse can bring the sunshine, flowers, vegetables and even fresh air to just in front of us, help us to release stress from our busy life in Hong Kong. To grow plants require intensive care, controlled environment can be achieved through automatic closed-loop sensors and control system. It really can satisfy your eagerness of microclimate control, growth speed and quality.
System features
- Temperature, humidity, light intensity, carbon dioxide monitoring
- Microclimate closed-loop control
- Visual management uses touchscreen panel, able to remote access
- Multiple operating modes and parameter set, system runs fully automatic
- Data collection for big data